Joint Statistical Report Preview

The Joint Statistical Report (JSR) has two intended purposes. The primary purpose is to provide comparative information on college and university summer sessions that is useful to members of the Association for benchmarking, evaluating, and improving summer session programming. The second purpose is to provide usable data for the overall advancement of summer session and its importance to the instruction of students and successful operation of higher education enterprises. Key areas of the survey focus on summer session administrative structures, finances, marketing, and enrollment.

The JSR was reinstated in the summer of 2013 after a 5-year period of inactivity. In 2013, the survey instrument was updated and administered. In the early summer of 2014, the JSR survey was further improved based on a review of 2013 responses and feedback from participants and was then in 2014, 2015, and 2016. Preliminary results from the survey are reported each year at the NAASS annual conference and final results published early the next year. 

The 2018 – 2019 report is now available. Please use the contact us form if you would like to receive more information. The JSR is supported by the research Committees of:

  • Association of University Summer Sessions (AUSS)
  • North American Association of Summer Sessions (NAASS)

Editions of the JSR are available to members of the contributing associations.